Summer Packets
Summer Review
Congratulations on finishing Kindergarten! Please use this packet to keep your child sharp over the summer.
Finished with Kindergarten Summer Packet
Take some Sprints from Kindergarten. These are quick one minute timed tests. Do side A and then see if you can complete more problems in the same amount of time on side B. Children don't need to complete the entire sprint but should be able to complete 2/3 of the sprint each time.
Math facts are foundational for success in first grade. Please continue practicing your rainbow math facts sent home with your child at the end of the school year. Make an XTRAMath account (as a parent) for your student to practice math facts over the summer. It's a lot of fun and parents receive a weekly report (via email) on their child's progress. Or, you can purchase: Trend Enterprises Addition and Subtraction flashcards 0-12, all facts.
Incoming first graders should work all summer on reviewing addition and subtraction facts. These include:
Automaticity of doubles facts to 5: 0+0, 1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4, 5+5
Automaticity of all facts making 0-10: +0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, -0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5
Math Fact Practice (xtra math)
Purchase the Mastery and Beyond books to review all the math concepts covered in Kindergarten. Each book covers concepts taught in half of the school year.
Have your child read aloud to you at least 10-15 minutes daily. Click on the link below for a list of recommended reading and upcoming books in first grade.
Practice reading the words on our high-frequency words list. Your child should be able to decode and read all of these words without needing to sound them out.
Ask your child to retell whatever stories they are reading in their own words. Ask them about the main character, setting, problem, how the problem was solved, and how the story ended.
Have your child read aloud to you at least 10-15 minutes daily. Click on the link below to find books your child will enjoy.
Practice writing in cursive often. Click on the link for a guide on how to form upper and lowercase cursive letters property. You can purchase first-grade paper at Lakeshore Learning. (The lines are spaced appropriately for first grader's fine motor skills.) Practice writing each of their letters in cursive in their best penmanship with proper formation and proper pencil grip.
You may also purchase a Logic of English handwriting book at the link below to help your child practice their cursive over the summer.
Have your child sing our geography songs:
● Continents & Oceans
● United States (Northern, Southern, Eastern, Middle, and Pacific)
● Point to the places on the maps. Encourage them to label and color the maps using other maps, atlases, and globes as guides. Look at atlases and learn and draw more!
Have your child sing our Solar System songs.
First Grade
It is estimated that students lose approximately 2 months of math skills over the summer months. Our first graders have worked so hard this year to gain excellent math skills. Please use this packet to keep your child sharp over the summer. In this packet you will find materials in penmanship, grammar, reading, math, Bible/catechism and geography. Click on each subject and do the activities to avoid summer loss.
Finished with First Grade Summer Packet
Please purchase the following math workbooks for excellent review of first grade math.
Make an account (as a parent) for your student to practice math facts over the summer. It’s a lot of fun and parents receive a weekly report (via email) on their child's progress.
Math Fact Practice (xtra math)
Encourage your child to complete 5 sprints per week (front and back is one sprint). These are excellent 1 minute drills. A good sprint is where a child completes 15-20 problems. The more, the better! Focus on the sprints on which your child struggles. You will need to make copies.
Sing our geography songs (British Isles, Western Europe, and Scandinavia) and point to the places on the maps.
Encourage your child to label and color the maps using other maps, atlases, and globes as guides. Have them draw all the rivers, mountain ranges and mountain peaks that they remember. Look at atlases and learn and draw more!
The Classical Reader is a great resource for summer reading and your home library! Please avoid the following books because your student will read them in the coming school year:
Use the Book Finder to find books your child will love.
Have your child read our spelling words moving across the page and following along with their finger. Give your child mini spelling tests daily.
Second Grade
Summer is a wonderful opportunity to rest, relax, and pursue interests that we don’t normally have time for during the school year; however, it is also a time when children can forget the majority of what they have learned over the previous school year. In an effort to prepare our students for a successful start to their third grade year, the teachers at The Geneva School have prepared review work for the summer. If you simply review the work that we have been going over all year, all of the concepts that have been so hard-fought to learn will not be forgotten and the transition into third grade should be a smooth one!
Finished with Second Grade
Practice all math facts in a variety of ways( Xtra Math online practice, print out worksheets, math facts drills, flashcards, etc.)
To review all math concepts taught in second grade, purchase Mastery and Beyond Book A and B.
Math facts your student needs to have mastered entering into third grade:
- Addition facts +1 through +12
- Subtraction facts -1 through -12
- Multiplication facts x 1 through x5 and x10
- Division facts ÷1 through ÷5 and ÷10
- Practice counting by 6's, 7's, 8's and 9's to prepare for these third grade multiplication and division facts.
A simple way to do this is by using Xtra Math's online practice, printing out worksheets, or purchasing flashcards.
A great resource for you to use is a book finder called, Classical Reader. This has recommendations broken down by grades and each book is ranked easy, average, or challenging.
Review all SWR phonograms.
Practice reading and writing spelling words learned in second grade. Practice one list at a time until it can be read fluently (without pausing to sound out), then move on to the next list. When you have completed an entire page, practice reading all the lists on the page. Read through the page several times while timing yourself. See if you can beat your time.
Practice writing all upper and lower case letters using proper pencil grip and forming the letters correctly. Cursive Letter Strokes
Third Grade
By the time your child exits third grade, he or she will have learned many new and interesting facts! Please help your child to retain what was taught by taking a little time during the summer to refresh his or her memory. Below is a short list of topics to go over. This is not a mandatory “homework” list, but think of it more as a tool for success! Your child will be better equipped and more confident by knowing these facts before he or she enters 4th grade.
Finished with Third Summer Packet
Quickly recall addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and recall multiplication and division facts through the 12’s.
Make an account (as a parent) for your student to practice math facts over the summer. It’s a lot of fun and parents receive a weekly report (via email) on their child's progress.
Math Fact Practice (xtra math)
You can print timed tests to practice math facts at
You can purchase Mastery and Beyond Book A and B to practice all the concepts covered in third grade, especially:
Recall metric units of measurement for length, mass, and volume (including conversions).
Distinguish different types of bar models (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to use in real-world problems.
The Classical Reader is a great resource for summer reading and for your home library! Please avoid the following books because your student will read them in the coming school year:
- Robin Hood
- Adam of the Road
- Trumpet of the Swan
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- The Shakespeare Stealer
- The Shakespeare's Scribe
Please read aloud daily for at least 25 minutes.
Use this book finder to find beautiful stories you will love!
Fourth Grade
Finished with Fourth Grade Summer Packet
- Math
- Literature
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Writing
- Penmanship
- Geography
- History
- Bible/Catechism
- Latin
- Memory Work
Math Facts: Students should have addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and multiplication / division facts 1-12 mastered. You can make an online account or print worksheets to practice your math facts. Reference below for extra practice.
Create an ExtraMath account for your student to practice math facts over the summer. Parents receive a weekly report (via email) on their child's progress.
Math Fact Practice (xtra math)
You can print timed tests to practice math facts at
To review all math concepts taught in fourth grade purchase Mastery and Beyond 4A&B.
The Classical Reader is a great resource for summer reading and for your home library! Please avoid the following books because your student will read them in the coming school year.
Here is a list of books the students will read in fifth grade.
5th Grade Literature
Use the Book Finder to find books your child will love.
Use Picta Dicta or the link below to review all vocabulary words introduced in 3rd and 4th grade (Levels 1 & 2). Recall five declensions, their case endings for singular and plural, and their functions. Use Picta Dicta to practice saying aloud and hearing sentences while practicing with grammar rules.
Memory Work
Fifth Grade
Congratulations on finishing fifth grade! Here are some excellent resources to review the wonderful things you learned this year!
Finished With Fifth Grade
The Classical Reader is a great resource for summer reading and for your home library! Please avoid the following books because your student will read them in the coming school year:
Practice writing in cursive often. Click on the link for a guide on how to form upper and lowercase cursive letters property. You can purchase first-grade paper at Lakeshore Learning. (The lines are spaced appropriately for first grader's fine motor skills.) Practice writing each of their letters in cursive in their best penmanship with proper formation and proper pencil grip.
You may also purchase a Logic of English handwriting book at the link below to help your child practice their cursive over the summer.
Bible & Catechism
For some extra Latin fun this summer, check out a Latin novella! This is the perfect way to keep Latin fresh while being encouraged by how much one knows. Some of the novellas mentioned do have content not endorsed by the Geneva School, but the website does an excellent job mentioning any possibly objectionable content. Please see the content descriptions for each novella to determine the appropriate ones for your child. The year one recommendations are an excellent place to begin.
Sixth Grade
To ensure fresh minds for the coming year, please have your student review this summer. Incoming seventh grade students will be given a summer reading assignment following the Why We Read meeting on July 26th at 2:00 pm. This is a mandatory meeting for all incoming seventh grade students and one parent.
Finished with Sixth Grade
- Math
- Literature/Omnibus
- Grammar
- Geography
- History
- Catechism & Bible Review
- Latin
- Field Trips and Other Fun Ideas
To prepare your student for 7th grade we would like to recommend that you purchase and have your child work through Spectrum Math Grade 6. The answers are provided in the back of the book to check your child’s work. . It covers: multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals, ratios, integer concepts, equations, and more.
If your child needs math fact practice, you can use Xtra Math. Make an account (as a parent) for your student to practice math facts over the summer. It’s a lot of fun and parents receive a weekly report (via email) on their child's progress.
Math Fact Practice (xtra math)
Our students should read The Odyssey, Books 1-3 and take notes on it over the summer. The school will provide the book for you. This is due the first day of class. We are also including a list of books students will be reading this year in Omnibus. There is no need to begin reading these books over the summer unless your student would find it helpful. Students should certainly read within their interests as much as they can this summer, however! Use the book finder below to find new books.
Students will be typing their assignments in Literature/Omnibus. It is recommended that students practice their typing over the summer using a program such as
Use the Book Finder to find books your child will love.
Catechism & Bible Review
The book English Grammar for Students of Latin provides a helpful review of both English and Latin grammar.
For some extra Latin fun this summer, check out a Latin novella! This is the perfect way to keep Latin fresh while being encouraged by how much one knows. Reading through Filia Regis et Monstrum Horrible or Ego, Polyphemus also will provide an excellent introduction to stories that will be covered in Omnibus next year! Some of the novellas mentioned do have content not endorsed by the Geneva School, but the website does an excellent job mentioning any possibly objectionable content. Please see the content descriptions for each novella to determine the appropriate ones for your child. The year one recommendations are an excellent place to begin.
Field Trips and Other Fun Ideas
Join a fun summer reading program! Both the library and Barnes and Noble have summer reading programs worth checking into.
Listen to books on CD. The Orange County Public Library has a large selection of audio books. They are perfect for road trips or even just driving to and from summer activities.
Sign up for Epic. It has a digital library of 35,000 books you can listen to or read from your iPad, computer, or iPhone.
Take a virtual field trip to various museums around the U.S. and the world! Review history and art you studied in Grammar School.
Take a trip to the Getty, the Getty Villa, the San Diego Zoo, the Huntington Library, the Nixon Library, or Riley’s Farm to review things we have studied this year.
Check out Shakespeare by the Sea for free Shakespeare performances!